The importance of a handwritten note

The Power of a Handwritten Note

It's a sad fact that handwritten notes grow rarer by the day.

We can't deny that technology is wonderful at allowing us to easily keep in touch daily with friends, family and loved ones in the form of emails and social media platforms, but it is in no way a substitute for the sentimental value that handwritten notes and letters hold.

stack of handwritten notes tied with a ribbon

Emails and text exchanges are great and instant but they will never be treasured in the way that handwritten letters have been treasured over the years. When was the last time you saw or held a stack of saved letters tied with a ribbon and tucked away for reading at a later date, knowing that you will be transported back to an earlier era of your life?


Envelopes of all shapes, sizes and colours, stamps from near and far, addresses from an earlier lifetime and the familiar handwriting of old friends and family members - the emotions of seeing and reading these letters can be so powerful and the memories so strong.

Gone are the days of sitting excitedly by the window waiting for the postman to walk up your driveway with a bunch of letters in his hand and hoping that one of them would be addressed to you. Seeing the letter fall to the floor through your letterbox, the touch and feel of the paper, the recognition of the handwriting, you could almost feel the emotions through the words. There is something so incredibly unique about someone's handwriting that will never come across in an email, no matter how well it's written.

Letters, unlike emails, are tangible. Paper has a certain feel and texture, and even a smell, to it. The words, so carefully written on the page, tell you so much more about that person's character and individuality than any typed form of writing ever will.

handwriting a letter

When you receive a handwritten note, if you're lucky enough to do so these days, you know straight away that a lot of care and thought has gone into it. From the time spent writing out their thoughts, to buying a stamp and heading off to the postbox to post it, you know that before the letter has even been read it's telling you "I care about you, you are important to me".

So, if you have something to say, say it with pen and paper. It's such a memorable way to touch the people you love and a handwritten note saying 'thank you', 'hello' or 'I'm thinking of you' has a far bigger impact than any email, text or DM.

And if you're buying a gift box from us then please know that we include a complimentary notecard in each one, that is carefully handwritten by us with your all important message. We know, due to the scarcity of handwritten cards and letters these days, that it creates a wonderful element of surprise and emotion and makes your message and gift mean so very much more.

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